Morning Routine for Students

Morning Routine for Students

If you are looking to transition to a more student-centered classroom model, this morning routine for students is the easiest way to get in each student’s corner. What if instead of the teacher always trying to keep up with each student (their goals, strengths, their challenges) what if students updated you so you could easily keep tabs, check-in and mentor their growth?!

It’s important to set goals, but what is even more important is the ability for students to identify their own needs. This is self-awareness/ skill-awareness muscle is one we should always be flexing in the learning space. Being able to identify challenges, needs and issues will only support student growth. Not to mention, greater skill-awareness will only make a teacher’s job much simpler. Teachers have a clear entry point for efficient and effective mentoring. If a student can learn to identify their needs overtime, they will also learn how to ask the right questions and be responsible for their own learning and growth. Navigate 360 provides a great article on how self-awareness improves learning and ways to incorporate it into your classroom. K12 Dive gives a list of how to help students discover their learning profiles and CASEL shares a framework, videos, and SEL implementation strategies to incorporate these skills into the learning environment.

This morning routine for students is a simple yet effective way to touch on SEL and help students build their own learner profile. The student morning routine gives learners the opportunity to basically learn how to learn for themselves. This is the most powerful skill we can teach our students in this day and age.

When this morning routine is paired with a platform like Spinndle, we can encourage co-learning on a daily basis. Students have the platform they need to seek support and also support one another on their individual learning journeys.

Check out this morning routine for students. It’s simple and to the point.

Morning Routine


Check-in with yourself to establish and revisit goals and milestones, as well as, reflect on your skills and progress. Create weekly or daily tasks to ensure you are on track and productive throughout the week.




Stage 1 - Set Goals

Set goals for your day, week, or month or year. Hold yourself accountable to meet these goals.

Pathway 1 - Pathway 1

  • Practicing writing SMART goals.

  • Create a SMART goal for each subject, skill or extracurricular that you would like to track this term. Set up your SMART goals on a platform, media or method that make sense to you. Eg. Canva, Google Sheets, Calendar etc.

  • Break down your SMART goal into smaller milestones. Create a list of steps you need to achieve in order to meet your larger goal. Do this with every goal you set.

  • Hold yourself accountable. How will you document or keep track of your progress toward your goals?

Stage 2 - My Challenges

Check-in with yourself. How are you doing? What are some of your challenges? What do you need more support with and how are you getting that suport?

Pathway 2 - Pathway 1

  • List some of your challenges you are experiencing. Create tasks to tackle some of those challenges.

Stage 3 - My Wonderings

What are some things you wonder about or questions you have? Create a list of tasks to explore those wonderings or questions deeper.

Pathway 3 - Pathway 1

  • List your wonderings on a mind-map, brainstorm bubble, doodle or list. Create a list of tasks to explore those wonderings further.

If you wish to use or customize this morning routine for your students, you can access the project plans, as well as, many other teacher-created project plans by signing up for a free Spinndle account.

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