Top PBL and Inquiry Bloggers

Are you on the hunt for a global, local, SDG, career or community-based project idea? Are you looking for resources to help you and your students carry out these complex, real-world projects? These three bloggers have you covered.

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We’re quite obsessed with these resources. Sara Segar at the Experiential Learning Depot has a number of great resources that will help you implement self-directed PBL with high school and middle school students. She covers a variety of topics, not limited to:

Middle/ High school PBL Resource Bank:
Careers, Current Events, Community Action Project, Wildlife and Conservation, Planning a Trip, Hometown Tour, Biographies, Skills Portfolios, 100 End Products, etc.

Save yourself some planning time and use these plug and play resources to jump-start PBL or experiential learning in your classroom next year!



Learning by Inquiry - Class Timeline Project

Learning by Inquiry - Class Timeline Project

When it comes to the latest and greatest for PBL/ Inquiry projects this one hits the top of our list. She constantly updates her site with very relevant and meaningful project ideas. Black History Month, Pandemic… you name it. Victoria comes up with brilliant critical thinking DQ’s for students. If you are a history, Social Studies, Language Arts, Art, Math, or Science teacher we highly suggest checking out Learning by Inquiry.

What is my family’s story?
Class Timeline Project
Socially Distanced STEM Project
 How can we manage food scarcity?
How can we redesign cities of the future that address real-life issues?



Jennifer Gonzalez at Cult of Pedagogy shows you how you can creatively use the latest tech tools, hack Google docs, slides forms, and sheets to produce interesting final products for your PBL. On her website, she highlights inspirational PBL projects being carried out in schools around the world.

Google Suite for Creative Final Products
Video tutorial, peer survey, Magazine, Museum Kiosk, Adventure Story, Blogs, Book Reviews etc.

Tools to help your students pursue their passion projects



At Spinndle, we believe that projects should be relevant, timely, and meaningful. The bulk of the ideating should come from the students. If you wish to give your students real-world opportunities; give them a blueprint or a roadmap. Entrepreneurs use a business model canvas, engineers use the engineering design thinking process, and scientists use the scientific method. Spinndle's roadmaps guide students through real-world projects without taking away their agency. Take a peek at our PBL, Inquiry, and Passion Project bundles to get a taste of how we help students as young as grade 3 move through student-led projects with greater independence.

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The platform is designed as a sandbox for learning - a communal place to reflect, iterate and build on a body of work. Project roadmaps and a continual peer feedback loop promote a growth mindset. We give students blueprints for all higher-level project tasks in Spinndle. Students can create driving questions, project proposals, timelines, SMART goals, etc. wither greater independence. Each student’s learning process is documented and threaded together, so you can easily check-in.

Spinndle has helped with project planning by providing structure and organization. In particular, I appreciate the different frameworks provided when setting up a project. It has taken the difficulty of moving the plan in my head to a framework accessible to the students.