Storytelling Project: A Twist on The "All About Me" Project

In this interdisciplinary storytelling project, students tell their story using a creative medium. Elementary or secondary students uncover their strengths, interests, and stories with a little help from peers. In this storytelling project, teachers will just begin to uncover further passion project ideas for students. This project reads as a PBL planning guide and/or PBL planner for both teachers and students. Use the project guide below to guide your students through their storytelling project from start to finish.

You could also use this storytelling project to launch your capstone or genius hour!

Storytelling Project

Introducing Me Project


All of us tell stories about ourselves. Stories define us. To know someone well is to know her story—the experiences that have shaped us, the trials and turning points that have tested us. When we want someone to know us, we share stories of our childhoods, our families, our school years, experiences, interests, opinions, and so on. You are going to introduce yourself to a group of new people by telling your story using a creative medium. First, you will uncover your strengths, interests, and stories with a little help from your peers. Then you will piece together your story using a medium that best fits your story. Eg. Podcast, Website, Recipe Book, Pinterest Board, Slide Presentation, Speech, Short Story etc.


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Stage 1 - Collect Information

Narrow down your passions, interests, goals, and wonderings to focus on your "Big Idea". Pick something that will be meaningful for you to carry your story.

Pathway 1 - Uncovering My Story

  • Partner with 1 peer to interview. Ask them about their interests, favourite memories, curiosities, goals, experiences, and things they are proud of. Collect and share information on your peer using a mind-map.

  • Add or revise the mind-map that your peer created about you. Did your classmate miss an important trait or hobby?

  • Use your peer's mind-map to uncover a "Big Idea". What stands out to you about your story? This will be the focus of your narrative. Share this "Big Idea" on Spinndle and get feedback.

Stage 2 - Proposal

Imagine you need to get approval from your teacher before moving forward with your project. Clarify why this topic and presentation medium is important, what you plan to do, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Pathway 2 - Plan Story

  • Choose a presentation method. What is the best way for your to show or share your story? Examples: If your humour defines you, maybe you could plan a stand-up about yourself. If sports define you, maybe you could put together an athletic portfolio. If family defines you, perhaps you could put together a family album with creative and emotive captions.

  • Determine objectives.

  • Plan a timeline of to do's.

  • Plan a timeline of to do's.

Stage 3 - Create and Share

Share your story in a creative way. Do not wait until you are finished. Share your process. Where you started and where you ended up. You can use your Spinndle feed to help you get unstuck, get a greater perspective to improve on your story as you are building it.

Pathway 3 - Build Your Story

  • Share your progress. Get feedback on your work from others throughout. What do you need to change, improve?

  • Showcase your body of work.

Stage 4 - Reflect

Often we don't notice the value or impact we have when we're in the middle of it. Look back and reflect on your experience. Reflect on your project and the entire experience.

Pathway 4 - Reflection

  • Summarize and evaluate your experience. Choose a medium that's meaningful to you: journal, collage, photobook, blog, vlog. What did you learn about yourself? How did this impact you personally? (Learned a new skill? Developed a new interest?) What worked well? What would you do differently? Why?

Pathway 4 - Extension

  • Add to your work. What else could be done to continue your work? How could your project be made bigger, better or reach more people?


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