Redefining the skills portfolio with NHL Stenden


Meet James Denby

James Denby is a lecturer at NHL Stenden, (ITeps).

James is a lecturer at NHL Stenden in the Netherlands. Creating a learning environment that promotes problem-solving and original ideas is at the center of his work. The ITEps programme of NHL Stenden uses eight competencies to guide student learning about the many aspects involved in being a successful educator.

Spinndle has been a valuable tool for students as they reflect on their growing skills and conceptual understanding of teaching and learning. Spinndle makes it easier to both look back at previous learning and to consider future areas of growth.
— Mr. James Denby
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See what’s in Mr. Denby’s library.

James has created Competency Portfolios for his teachers in training. His student teachers are building an understanding of each competency, identifying areas of growth, documenting their growth, and self-evaluating. Spinndle allows students to reflect AS the learning is happening, rather than waiting to the end.

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I saw Spinndle as a way of really making the portfolio a living reflection of learning. I can create mini-milestones where students reflect on learning experiences, teaching practice, group collaboration, and even set new goals. The ‘burden’ of finding evidence is not high given the way Spinndle works, and I can set aside small chunks of time when I can review work and give feedback. This also makes the portfolio more of a conversation between the student and I.
— Mr. James Denby
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Sign up for a free account of Spinndle to guide your students Gr. 3-12 in creating their very own skills portfolio.

Interpersonal Competency Portfolio.

STAGE 1: Explain and give evidence of your vision of the competency. Find theory to support your understanding.

STAGE 2: Identify areas for future development and set goals.

STAGE 3: Collect evidence and document experiences showing your growth in this competency.

STAGE 4: Evaluate your own growth and progress in this area. Support it with feedback you receive.
