4 Pandemic-Friendly Project Ideas

Here are 4 pandemic-friendly project ideas for you! These are easy projects. to introduce student-centered learning experiences like PBL or Inquiry into your classroom. These projects will keep your students engaged whether they are in a hybrid and/or remote learning environment.

1. An Attitude of Gratitude

This year more than ever, we’ve had to stay optimistic – finding the positives in every situation. This project gets your students immersed in an attitude of gratitude.

Project Description 

Create a strictly visual - no sounds, or words - representation of what you are grateful for. If you’re creating a performance or video, maximum length is 2 minutes. 

Driving Question

Without saying it, how can we show express, or highlight our gratitude?

Types of Project FRAMEWORKS that fit well with this idea

  • Mini-Project Framework

  • Passion Project Framework

2. Design Your Gathering 

pandemic project ideas

In the midst of a global pandemic, how do we ensure that our holidays and get-togethers are fun and safe? Here is a project idea to challenge your students to reimagine their Thanksgiving or party gatherings in a way that meets social distancing requirements.

Project Description

Connections and relationships are important parts of our lives. We can’t put our lives on hold simply because of a global pandemic. We need to be creative to adapt to our current situation.

Driving Question

How can you reimagine and plan your usual Thanksgiving party or Birthday party in a way that meets your region’s social distancing requirements? 

Types of Project ROADMAPS that fit well with this idea

  • Design Thinking Framework

  • Project-Based Learning Framework

  • Inquiry Framework

pandemic project ideas

3. Innovate In It 

A project idea on how we can cope and create a better situation with the changes that come with COVID-19.

Project Description

You have and continue to experience a global pandemic - something no one saw coming, and something we’ve all had to learn how to cope with. Even though you’re still in it, you must have some ideas on how you could improve your situation. 

Driving Question

What product or service do you wish existed that would have helped you cope with changes brought on by COVID-19?

Types of Project FRAMEWORKS that fit well with this idea

  • Design Thinking Framework

  • Entrepreneur Framework

  • Project-Based Learning Framework

4. “We Care” Packages

pandemic project ideas

A project to get your students involved in acts of giving by having them organize care packages for those most in need.

Project Description

With the upcoming holidays and colder months ahead, it is easy for community members to feel isolated. This could be COVID-prevention care packages or packages that contain items of need for people who may not have access to basic necessities. Create a clear plan of action and execute on it. 

Driving Question

How can we plan and prepare care packages for people in our community?

Types of Project FRAMEWORK that fit well with this idea

  • Project-Based Learning Framework

  • Service-Learning Framework

  • Passion Project Framework


Plan and manage your next student-centered project with ease using Spinndle’s project planning and management software.

Spinndle has helped with project planning by providing structure and organization. In particular, I appreciate the different frameworks provided when setting up a project. It has taken the difficulty of moving the plan in my head to a framework accessible to the students.

Cut your planning time in half! We provide ready-made frameworks for all your projects.

  • Passion Projects

  • PBL

  • Inquiry

  • STEAM (Design Thinking)

  • Entrepreneur

  • Ted Talks

  • Service Learning

  • ELA

  • Scientific Problem-Solving

  • Experimental Design

Spinndle is an ideal tool for me to track the progress of students through PBL. It helps students learn important organizational and time management skills, and allows for student self-pacing.

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