10 Engaging STEAM Project Ideas


We’ve put together a list of 10 engaging STEAM project ideas that incorporate both the arts and the sciences. These are student-centered learning activities that encourage student agency. Each STEAM project idea comes with an overview, driving question, as well as, applicable frameworks or project plans that will guide students from start to finish.

  1. My Training Program

STEAM project ideas

Think of something you would like to improve in your life. Is it a healthy diet? Increased exercise? Decrease anxiety? Get to the root of the problem. What systems are involved? What do you need to start a new habit or fix an old one? In this STEAM project idea, students put together a “training” or “self-help” program to educate peers on how they can improve their lifestyles. All ideas must be rooted and directly linked to the bodily systems. 

In what way do our choices influence how our body systems function?

Below are suggested student-centric plans that will keep students at the center of the STEAM project. Guide your students through their STEAM project without taking away their agency.

2. The Global Pandemic Press Conference

STEAM project idea

The world is experiencing a Global Pandemic: COVID-19. You must understand how viruses spread before strategizing how to control it. Research the facts – what works and what doesn’t? In this STEAM project idea, students will choose a method of control (e.g. Facemasks, physical distancing, 14-day isolation, vaccinations) and educate the class on why they think it’s the most important. Prepare a presentation to express opinions (backed by research) in a press conference style. Peers will be challenging the student’s approach with counteractive questions. Students plan and build a solution and test it on their intended audience.

What role do you play in the spread of this virus and what can you do to stop it?

Below are suggested student-centric plans that will keep students at the center of the STEAM project. Rather than asking “What will the teacher do?” at every step of the project, we need to be asking “What will the student do?” The plans below act as more of a clear project guide for students.

3. Stop Cyberbullying

STEAM project examples

School looks a little different these days. You are now communicating online more frequently and exploring new technology. There is more opportunity for cyberbullying when you are not being monitored in a classroom. As a student and citizen of our school, how can you deliver a positive message about how to keep cyberbullying at bay or design a product/service that will encourage positive behavior? In this STEAM project idea, students use a medium of your choice to get your message across to the school student body. Consider how your work will change the way students interact online for the better. 

How can you a stronger, more cohesive community online with your peers?

Below are suggested student-centric plans that will keep students at the center of the STEAM project.


STEAM project plans

4. Big Data

In this STEAM project idea, students will choose a local company to work with. Students will be re-designing their marketing strategy using Big Data. Students will need to determine your target market you wish to reach that will most likely use this service or product. Analyze the company's database and compile what you know about their customers. Using examples from other companies like Netflix, who responds to their subscriber’s data by giving users recommendations on what to watch, "trending now" or "Popular on Netflix" to increase their sales. Understanding what data to collect to bring in additional customers and streamline your services. Develop a Marketing Strategy to propose to the company. 

How can you re-design a marketing strategy for a local company using Big Data?

Below is a suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. The entrepreneur framework acts as more of a business model canvas. Customize this project plan to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.


5. The Accessibility Project

STEAM project ideas

There is always room for improvement when supporting all learners and all abilities. In this STEAM project example, students will discover one area in which their school is lacking. Empathize with their user to learn more about the problem and how they can design a tool or system to better support their school experience. Develop a product or system and test it on their users.

How you can design a tool or system to better support students of all abilities?

Below is a suggested project plan that walks students through the design thinking process start to finish. Students can use the plan as more of a guide so they don’t miss any important steps along the way.

design thinking framework



6. My Sustainable City

STEAM projects for students

In this STEAM project idea, students choose one infrastructure to focus on in your city E.g. Waste Management System, Transportation System, Green Space etc. to improve. Research what other cities have done to improve their infrastructure to learn more about what could be applied to your own city. You need to be knowledgeable on the topic before you can begin any kind of design work. Use a medium of your choice to re-design a system in your city. You must be able to justify all your decisions with facts.

How can you redesign your city to be more sustainable?

Below are suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. Customize one of these project plans to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.


7. Craft My Community


STEAM projects for the classroom

Art can change a person's mood, bring people together, challenge the status quo, and deliver a provocative message. Decide what your community needs, then plan and create an art project that will meet those needs. 

How can you build community through art?

Below is suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. Customize this design thinking plan to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.


8. COVID-19 + My Community

list of STEAM projects

We changed our behavior, thoughts, plans, school, and social life because of the pandemic. We’ve now reached a new “normal” that brings new issues and consequences. In this STEAM project idea, students will uncover the aspects or elements of their lives that have changed as a result of COVID-19 and choose 1 to reflect deeply on. Eg. sporting events, cafeteria time, sleepovers, etc. Students will interview others who have experienced this situation/ feeling to learn more about the issue. Students will collect information and come up with a solution for you and these people.

How can you improve 1 COVID-19 related issue for yourself or a family member?

Below are suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. Customize this design thinking plan to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.


9. Price Tag Project

STEAM for students

A personal seamstress is no longer making your dress and you don't go to a watch maker when you purchase a new watch. So how much are you really paying for all the things you buy? Make a list of 10 of your favourite things. Research where they were made and how. Can you figure out how much they actually cost to make? What is the mark-up you are paying in a store? Why do you think companies mark up the price? Start your own make-believe company. Choose a product to sell and where the product will be made. Determine the cost of producing 1 unit and the price of sale in your local shop. Make sure you factor in all hidden costs of labor, delivery etc. when determining a price that would produce a profit. 

What is the true cost of things?

Below are suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. Customize one of these project plans to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.


10. Education That Keeps Up

middle school STEAM ideas

Because of Globalization and growing technology, the job market is drastically different than it was a generation ago. As a result, there is a growing maker and re-skilling movement to support the local economy. Do research on what professions make up the bulk of today’s job market? In this STEAM project idea, students design a curriculum for themselves that supports the skills they think they need to succeed.

What kind of education do you need to be skilled for the future of work (to stay relevant)?

Below is a suggested student-centric plan that will keep students at the center of their STEAM project. Customize this design thinking student guide to help students move through their STEAM project more independently.

Plan and manage any of these STEAM project ideas with ease using Spinndle’s project planning and management software.

Spinndle has helped with project planning by providing structure and organization. In particular, I appreciate the different frameworks provided when setting up a project. It has taken the difficulty of moving the plan in my head to a framework accessible to the students.
STEAM project plans

Cut your planning time in half! We provide ready-made frameworks for all your projects.


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